Where do I begin… let’s just say that pre dot-com boom, Silicon Valley was not the food mecca it claims to be today, especially in terms of Italian food. Now you must understand, we were coming from a New Jersey suburb with easy access to New York City, so our expectations were high. We took New York pizza joints and corner family run stores where you could grab a slice or a pepper and egg sandwich for granted.
In the early days, Mio Marito and I visited every local pizza place possible in search of something remotely familiar to what we were accustomed to. Every so often a fellow transplant from the New York metropolitan area would suggest a spot where the pizza vaguely resembled that of the old country – the East Coast. Yes there were a few contenders, but honestly nothing compared to John’s in the Village or the Reservoir in Boonton. We were determined and in our humble rental home with it’s basic oven devised a recipe and system that eventually resulted in a rather exceptional New York style pizza (yes, a future post, stay tuned).