Cafe Shakerato
Cafe Shakerato surely evolved to satisfy those Italians who simply could not survive without their espresso, yet somehow the blistery summer days seemed to call for something a bit more refreshing. Some years ago in Tropea, Mia Sorella and I were deeply immersed in one of our favorite sibling bonding activities – shopping; we were madly searching for some locally produced ceramic…
The Evolution of La Pizza at Casa Levitt
Where do I begin… let’s just say that pre dot-com boom, Silicon Valley was not the food mecca it claims to be today, especially in terms of Italian food. Now you must understand, we were coming from a New Jersey suburb with easy access to New York City, so our expectations were high. We took New York pizza joints and corner…
Eggs Simmered in Tomato Sauce – Uova al Pomodoro
Italians eat quite simply at breakfast time, coffee is essential and generally in the form of a quick espresso, caffe al latte, or cappuccino. Accompanying the morning coffee ritual might be a cornetto, a few cookies, or a small roll with jam – nothing at all elaborate. The lavish breakfast buffets at Italian hotels are intended for istranieri,…
Thanksgiving Day Rituals – Giorno del Ringraziamento
Thanksgiving is one day when my family does not welcome change, they take comfort in knowing what is to be expected. The routine proceeding the big day with respect to planning, shopping and preparing the meal is a fundamental part of the holiday. This need for consistency at this time translates into having the same menu year…